Vanderbilt University
George Mason University
Jackson State University
University of Virginia
Tennessee State University
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
University of Kentucky
Meharry Medical College
University of Louisville
Vanderbilt University - George Mason University - Jackson State University - University of Virginia - Tennessee State University - University of Tennessee, Knoxville - University of Kentucky - Meharry Medical College - University of Louisville -
Regional Cohorts
Fill out this form if you are interested in joining the Mid-South Hub’s Regional Teaching and Support Team.
Vanderbilt University
The Sullivan Family Ideator program is composed of 5 virtual, interactive sessions with required instructor and mentor office hours. Each participant will have the opportunity to pitch their idea for potential microgrant funding.
At the end of the full program, Pitch Day will be held and participants will have the opportunity to pitch their idea to a group of high-caliber judges composed of business leaders, investors, and accomplished entrepreneurs. Microgrants will be provided for a number of teams that excel in the Ideator Program.
Sullivan Family Ideator Summer Cohort (Virtual)
Dates: May 20-June 25
5/20 Orientation 4-5pm CST
5/21 Kick-Off 4-6pm CST
5/28 Session 2 4-6pm CST
6/4 Session 3 4-6pm CST
6/11 Session 4 4-6pm CST
6/25 Pitch Day 4-6pm CST
Deadline: May 6th
Builder Cohort
Dates: April 2 - May 28th
The virtual Builder Program at the Wond’ry provides a step-by-step guide for aspiring university-affiliated entrepreneurs (students, faculty, staff, and alumni) with a viable early-stage idea to launch a new venture. Builder is the perfect next step for graduates of a Regional NSF I-Corps Program, such as the Sullivan Family Ideator Program, or entrepreneurs with a validated product, technology, or service that have already engaged in customer discovery efforts, found a product-solution fit and would like to learn how to launch a new non-profit or for-profit venture or pursue a licensing deal. Click here to learn more.
Apply Here for the SXSW Immersive Cohort by Jan. 24th.
University of Virginia
In 2022, the U.S. National Science Foundation announced that the University of Virginia would be part of its new Mid-South Innovation Corps Hub, a consortium whose aim is to enhance innovation capacity, support promising research, generate economic value and to create opportunities.
Applications are open:
This is a program to dive deeper into the business model canvas, customer segments, value propositions and business thesis; Teams will be guided as they complete 20+ interviews; These sessions best prepare teams interested in the National I-Corps program.
Spring 2025 Cohort
March 5 - April 15
NOTE: Teams are encouraged to participate in more than one cohort, as customer discovery or work on additional value propositions uncovers new opportunities for their innovations.
Additional in-person networking and presentation options may be added to virtual programs.
Learn more and register HERE.
University of Kentucky
UAccel Quick Start, the university technology commercialization focused program of Launch Blue, offers professional development and an experiential learning opportunity to innovators affiliated with a university who are interested in learning the best commercialization path for their technology.
UAccel Quick Start is the first phase of the two-phase program. The second phase is I-Corps.
UAccel I-Corps continues on the foundations in UAccel Quick Start and provides additional experiential entrepreneurial training.
Cohort Dates coming soon!
George Mason University
The George Mason University I-Corps Program will work on exploratory business ventures started by faculty, staff, students, and recent alumni, to accelerate business exploration and creation.
The program will include an I-Corps Short Course designed to introduce participants to the key concepts and methodologies used in I-Corps, which is the rigorous market assessment and validation program pioneered by the NSF.
The program will provide infrastructure, advice, resources, networking opportunities, training, and potentially funding (awards of up to $3,000 per team) to enable teams to transition their work towards the marketplace or into becoming National I-Corps Team applicants.
The George Mason University’s NSF I-Corps Life Sciences Cohort
This cohort assists faculty, researchers, students, and innovators (in Life Sciences, Biohealth, Med-tech, etc.) across the Mid-South Hub in exploring the commercial viability of their technology-based innovative solutions to accelerate business exploration and creation and, ultimately, make a real-world impact. We are part of the Mid-South Region I-Corps Hub, led by Vanderbilt University. We offer a six-session course to introduce participants to the lean startup method pioneered by the National Science Foundation.
Dates: Feb. 18th - Mar. 20th
Click here to apply for his cohort.
Tennessee State University
I-Corps training is provided through the Tennessee State University Office of Technology Transfer in the Division of Research and Sponsored Programs.
Cohort Dates coming soon!
If you would like additional information, you can email the following:
Robert Turner, Technology Transfer and Innovation Manager
Email: rturne10@tnstate.edu
Meharry Medical College
Program information is coming soon.
Applications for this cohort closed:
MMC NSF I-Corps Spring: January 15th-March 19th
Jackson State University
Objectives of the JSU I-Corps Program:
Offer entrepreneurial training and development opportunities for faculty and student teams in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines to prepare them for participation in the NSF I-Corps or for further commercialization;
Build the capacity of faculty and students to explore the translation of academic research into tools, products, services, etc. that are favorable candidates for commercialization.
Apps Currently Closed:
Jackson State University Spring 2025 I-Corps 101 (Virtual)
The I-Corps program is targeted toward research with commercializing potential and is an evidence-based approach to bring ideas from lab to market (i.e. projects funded by a national lab or research organization). Although we call it tech transfer, it does not have to be an idea based in STEM. We are open to non-profits, social impact, education, and ...etc.
Dates: Feb. 19 - Mar. 12
I-Corps 101 programming welcomes all applicants, from all backgrounds. -
Click here to apply for the cohort by Jan. 14th.
If you have questions about participation, please contact:
Dr. Almesha L. Campbell, Principal Investigator
Tel: 601.979.6347
Email: almesha.l.campbell@jsums.edu
Mr. Latane Brackett, III, Innovation Program Manager
Tel: 601.979.2101
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The workshop is a hands-on introduction to the process of Customer Discovery designed to give the entrepreneur insight into how future customers will respond to products that are developed by the new venture.
The Fall 2023 I-Corps Regional workshop will be conducted over a three-week period which includes 3 instructor-led workshops and provides the opportunity for participants to complete 20 customer interviews.
Applications are open:
I-Corps Spring 2025:
April 9th - May 7th
Learn more & register HERE.
University of Louisville
LaunchIt is an innovation bootcamp through the University of Louisville’s Office of Research and Innovation. It is focused on product development and validation ahead of market launch. In just eight weeks, we help innovators and entrepreneurs test their ideas or products in the real world and see if they have what it takes to stick.
LaunchIt Spring 2025 (Hybrid)
Dates: Feb. 20th - Apr. 17th
Full Course (8 weeks): LaunchIt is an innovation bootcamp focused on product development and validation ahead of market launch. In Just eight weeks, we help innovators and entrepreneurs test their ideas or products in the real world and see if they have what it takes to stick. Our coaches and speakers are all seasoned founders and innovators, ready to help you understand and navigate the complexities of developing the next big thing.
Registration for this is closed.
University of Memphis
The Division of Research & Innovation serves researchers in every department on campus in their mission to grow the impact of research. Regardless of discipline, we believe that every faculty member is capable of finding funding and achieving national visibility for their work. Our office includes Research Development, Sponsored Programs, Research Compliance, Office of Technology Transfer, the FedEx Institute of Technology, and Animal Care Services.
University of Memphis NSF I-Corps training program for Spring 2025 (Virtual):
Dates: March 17 - April 21
Click here to register.