Innovation Optimized
Led by Vanderbilt, this hub will accelerate the translation of groundbreaking university research outcomes into commercialized ventures that foster emergent, prosperous innovation ecosystems across the Mid-south.
The NSF Mid-South I-Corps Hub is led by Vanderbilt University. The hub will accelerate the translation of groundbreaking university research outcomes into commercialized ventures that seed emergent, prosperous innovation ecosystems across the region. The hub spans four states and includes University of Virginia, Jackson State University, George Mason University, Meharry Medical College, Tennessee State University, University of Louisville, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, University of Kentucky, University of Memphis, and Vanderbilt University.
About the Mid-South Hub

“We wanted to create a place where no matter a person's background, no matter where they're from, no matter what they look like, they can come to the Mid-South and create positive value change, and then bring it to the whole world. ”
— Dr. Charleson Bell, Director of the NSF Mid-South I-Corps Hub
The Mid-South Hub Partners
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